Thursday, December 3, 2020

伟大的祈祷 Great Prayer

默想圣经 Meditate on Scripture: 《历代志上 1 Chronicles 29: 11-19 

心得: 伟大的祈祷都是源自对上帝的认识。祂是天地的主宰,充满伟大、能力、荣耀、得胜与威严。祂是创造万有、统管万有的主,一切的丰盛都是从祂而来。在此,我要赞美称谢祂,甘心乐意献与祂,凭着信心向祂祈求,在有生的年日可以看见祂的大作为,也愿我的儿子献与祂、认识祂、事奉祂,荣耀祂的圣名。

Insight: Great prayer comes from an understanding of God. He is the master of heaven and earth, full of greatness, power, glory, victory and majesty. He is the Lord who created and controls all, and all the abundance came from him. Here, I would like to praise and thank him, offer to him willingly, and pray by faith that I may see his  greatness in the day of my life, and may my sons dedicate to him, knowing and serving him, and honor his holy name.